
Welcome to my website for news.

I am Ninjalandia, and this website was made to inform you of my latest designs to keep you updated on when I will release a template or what I will design in the future.

Where to find me.

Pixel Papercraft


How I started Papercraft

IIn March of 2020, everything was shut down due to COVID-19. I was very bored, I had nothing to do! That was until I was just scrolling through Pinterest and saw a template for a Minecraft Block to make, my mom helped me out on the block and I fell in love with Papercraft. 4 years later, I have become the next generation of Papercraft, all thanks to my mom. So if your my mom, thank you very much for helping me become so talented at this. <3

Latest News for Papercraft

3d Cake Released despite dispute between nonitt and m.p.t

Pig Released with an award despite dispute between nonitt and m.p.t

Pyraminx model rejected. “Random designs are not allowed”

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